Touch, sight, smell, hearing, and taste are what most people immediately think of when asked about the human senses. While these five major senses get the most attention, there are numerous, often-overlooked senses of the body that can add a great depth of information about what is going on inside of us: for example thermoception (sense of temperature), nociception (sense of pain), and equilibrioception (sense of balance). One of these lesser known senses is interoception, or the sense of the sensations inside your own body, like your heartbeat and your breathing. “It’s like an inner selfie,” Dr. Sahib Khalsa, floatation researcher, says in his 2016 Float Conference talk.
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Float Research Renaissance
As floating grows in prominence and popularity, and the demand for research gets stronger, many researchers in the US and internationally are studying the effects of flotation therapy.
Continue reading Float Research RenaissancePromising new research into floating for anorexia nervosa
From helping with anorexia nervosa, to regulating the immune system, to reducing general and acute anxiety, new findings on floatation continue to flow out from researchers around the world. While much of the science news these days is taken up by stories and discoveries about Covid, countless labs around the world carry on with their studies, many of which began years before the pandemic. The world of floatation is no exception.
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Salinity and Serenity: Floating Your Way to Inner Peace
With so much of the chaos around us being outside of our control, it’s especially important to focus on those areas where we can have the most positive impact. As always, one of the most immediate places we can make the largest difference is in taking better care of ourselves. Even more precisely, cultivating our own mental health – our own serenity – is a very worthwhile endeavor.
Continue reading Salinity and Serenity: Floating Your Way to Inner PeaceHow Floating Dissolves Stress
Even without the existential malaise of living through global crisis, our modern way of life tends to exert a lot of pressure on most people. As mental health research evolves, it’s become apparent that what we call “stress” can actually cause a lot of health problems; not just physical problems like heart disease and high blood pressure (although those are certainly significant), but also mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and eating disorders.
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