The 1980s were an exciting time for float research. Word-of-mouth had grown stronger about this crazy new experience, and more people across the world were searching for and stepping into tanks near them. Early studies had also begun to show that floating had actual, science-backed benefits, and wasn’t just an idea born from unbacked, new-age beliefs. New technology was allowing a wide range of deeper studies to be done, looking to show evidence for the benefits of floating that people were reporting.
Continue reading The Fine-est of Times—Float Research in the 80’s-90’sTag Archives: flotation REST

Floating and Creativity: Finding Inspiration in the Darkness
What is the connection between floating and creativity? And how do you research something as nebulous and ubiquitous as creativity, anyhow?
Continue reading Floating and Creativity: Finding Inspiration in the DarknessFloating and High Performing Athletes
What do high level athletes know about floating that you don’t?
Here’s a sports trivia question for all our athletically-inclined readers:
What do the Dallas Cowboys, the Golden State Warriors, the Chicago Cubs, The Manchester United Football Club, and Michael Phelps all have in common?
You might see this lineup and think “well, the ‘92 Dallas Cowboys won the Superbowl that year; the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals in ‘14; the Cubs made history when they won the 2016 World Series; Manchester United is one of the most hono(u)red Football Clubs in the world; and Michael Phelps has won more gold medals than any other Olympian in history! They’re all winners!”
But that’s not all they have in common: they also all used float tanks.

How Floating Dissolves Stress
Even without the existential malaise of living through global crisis, our modern way of life tends to exert a lot of pressure on most people. As mental health research evolves, it’s become apparent that what we call “stress” can actually cause a lot of health problems; not just physical problems like heart disease and high blood pressure (although those are certainly significant), but also mental health issues like PTSD, depression, and eating disorders.
Continue reading How Floating Dissolves StressNew research on floating
This is really exciting news! Dr. Justin Feinstein and his team at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) have published their first peer-reviewed study on floating. Here’s a quick summary: Continue reading New research on floating