While mindfulness techniques have had a noticeable impact on health and improving behavior generally, there are distinct differences between Eastern and Western visions of mindfulness that might help explain why, despite the increased popularity of mindfulness, health problems related to stress and anxiety are on the rise instead of decreasing. Is there something about how mindfulness is presented in Western culture that is keeping us from experiencing the full benefits of the practice?
Continue reading East to West: what did mindfulness lose along the way?Tag Archives: meditation

Appreciation, Inspiration, and Thoughtfulness
Slowing down makes art (and life) better.
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Floating, Meditation, and Mindfulness: Adding Tools to Your Mental Toolbelt
Floating removes you from the outside world and gives your mind the freedom to wander wherever it wants to go. When you float, you don’t have anything you need to do.
There’s nothing you need to work on.
You have a space where you can lie down, removed from the pressure of thinking, discussing, or participating in anything at all. It’s an environment that exists almost completely opposite our current plugged-in, sensory-driven way of life.
In a float tank, you have the opportunity to be more mindful than pretty much any other environment in the world.
Continue reading Floating, Meditation, and Mindfulness: Adding Tools to Your Mental ToolbeltOpen letter to health care professionals
As a massage therapist, I often found myself answering questions from my clients about wellness and alternative health treatments. If you’re anywhere near the holistic wellness space, I’m sure you’ve been in the same position: manning the gateway to a whole realm of opportunities for people to build the best version of themselves. It’s an exciting place to be!
Continue reading Open letter to health care professionals
Guest post: the small, unexpected benefits of floating
From time to time we like to turn over the microphone to other people. This guest post is from Float staffer Shayna C. – Sara
Now that I am a staff member at Float Boston, I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to float regularly (thanks, Sara and Colin!). Many of the immediate effects of frequent floatation are predictable enough: better sleep, fewer muscle aches, being physically unable to shut up about how great it is. Some of the other unforeseen results of regular visits to the tank took me by surprise. Perhaps you can relate? Continue reading Guest post: the small, unexpected benefits of floating