Monthly Archives: March 2014

History of our Space Burrito

We’ve written a bit about the float tank in our basement, affectionately called The Space Burrito. It had been hanging out in some guy’s back yard for a couple months when we found it, and we didn’t know anything about it. (We’ll be getting shiny new tanks for the center, if you’re wondering.) Through the magic of the internet, and the generosity of the float community, we pieced together some of its history. The tank was manufactured by a company called Float To Relax, which was active in the 80’s. Our tank was probably  twenty-five or thirty years old… and still in pretty good shape, actually. These things last forever.

Today I got to learn a little more about our tank’s history, when I received this note:

Continue reading History of our Space Burrito

We have a new logo!

We found our designer Jennifer Mangini Perry through my friend Amber, whose cool kettlebell logo I’d admired. I looked through her work, liked her aesthetic a lot, and asked her if she could work something up for us. Jen talked with us, got a sense of the business and what we are like as people, and then took all of our ideas and came up with something we love!

Float: Float Tanks + Massage
Float: Float Tanks + Massage. Logo designed by Jennifer Mangini Perry.

Colin and I both love the logo’s clean, restful look. The upward-drifting droplet really grabbed me, and I like that this will be our central image. (We asked Jen to do a bunch of nitpicky things on the way to the finished product, including trying out the droplet as the O in Float… but that just made it look like our name was “Flat.”) You’ll see the droplet used in different ways in the future.

I’m really excited to have Jen’s work be the face of our brand. We’ll be rolling this out to all of our platforms in the next week or so.