Tag Archives: community

Floating is for everyone

“Hiroshima Day at Töölönlahti, Helsinki” © /kallu, CC-BY-SA
“Hiroshima Day at Töölönlahti, Helsinki”
© /kallu, CC-BY-SA

Recently we received a question about one of the core principles listed on our crowdfunding campaign: floating is for everyone. Nationally, floating averages $50-$100 per hour, and we’re going to stay on the low end of that even as we’re in one of the most expensive cost-of-living markets in the country, but as our reader rightly points out, $50 is too much when you’re struggling to survive. How can we say our service is for “everyone” when not everyone can scrape together fifty bucks? My answer touched on some of the reasons I (Sara) do what I do, and how I arrived at this point. I thought some of you might be interested in where I’m coming from.

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