For your enjoyment and entertainment, photos of the new walk-in tanks in progress. Hover over individual pictures for captions.

For your enjoyment and entertainment, photos of the new walk-in tanks in progress. Hover over individual pictures for captions.
We are so close to being finished! The place is starting to look like something real. Our contractor is down to the last little details, and we’ve turned our attention from structural things like ceilings and walls, to putting together a whole lot of IKEA cabinets and furniture… and building the tanks themselves!
The Escape Pod tanks are built; an inspector came out to look at our setup and gave our guys a few notes and changes to make. They got right to work on that, and we’re one step closer to our general inspection. We’re waiting for our electrician to wire the pumps and then we’ll plug it all in. I made a gif of the building process… Continue reading Construction progress 4
The shop is taking shape! Our walls are up, the ceiling is going in, and the showers are getting fitted out. We spent last weekend in there painting, and will probably be in for two more weekends of painting before we’re done.
A piece of bad news to lead off with: after delays with inspections, some extra work from surprises in the walls, and scheduling problems over the holidays, our contractors our now saying they expect to be finished in early February.
The work so far is looking great, though. Electrical and plumbing roughin inspections are both signed off, and we’ll be closing up the walls next week.