Holidays are meant to be a break from the craziness – they give us a chance to enjoy special moments and make memories with the people we love. Sadly, actually fulfilling that yearning for a few nights where “all is calm and all is bright” can be quite stressful.
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Alone but not lonely
In many ways, our culture has fostered an unhealthy relationship with time spent alone. Even the words that we use to describe alone time are often steeped in some kind of negative connotation. Solitude. Seclusion. Withdrawal. Loneliness. Fortunately, many of these terms and notions are being gradually replaced (or at least supplemented) with ideas that aren’t as negative.
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In addition to the well known “fight or flight” reaction to stressors, we have another autonomic response you may not have heard of, which is pretty much the polar opposite of fight or flight: the relaxation response.
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Salinity and Serenity: Floating Your Way to Inner Peace
With so much of the chaos around us being outside of our control, it’s especially important to focus on those areas where we can have the most positive impact. As always, one of the most immediate places we can make the largest difference is in taking better care of ourselves. Even more precisely, cultivating our own mental health – our own serenity – is a very worthwhile endeavor.
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Floating, Meditation, and Mindfulness: Adding Tools to Your Mental Toolbelt
Floating removes you from the outside world and gives your mind the freedom to wander wherever it wants to go. When you float, you don’t have anything you need to do.
There’s nothing you need to work on.
You have a space where you can lie down, removed from the pressure of thinking, discussing, or participating in anything at all. It’s an environment that exists almost completely opposite our current plugged-in, sensory-driven way of life.
In a float tank, you have the opportunity to be more mindful than pretty much any other environment in the world.
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