Open letter to health care professionals

As a massage therapist, I often found myself answering questions from my clients about wellness and alternative health treatments. If you’re anywhere near the holistic wellness space, I’m sure you’ve been in the same position: manning the gateway to a whole realm of opportunities for people to build the best version of themselves. It’s an exciting place to be!

It’s also expensive to keep ourselves educated on every option. Which brings me to my point: I want to offer you a chance to float with us for FREE. Our current program, launched summer 2021, lets you explore floating by completing three floats in a two-week window. We always say “three times is the charm,” in this case meaning most people get a solid idea of what floating can do for them within their first three floats. Floating this much in a two-week window means you can reap some of the cumulative benefits of floating. It’s like a retreat, but you don’t even have to leave town! Fill out this quick form, and Sara will get back to you shortly.

Our Beginner’s Guide to Floating is a great rundown of the basics of floating: how you float, what happens, and why people love it. Feel free to grab one when you visit and give it a read. If you’d like a personal discount for your clients, and a brochure box, we can set that up for you.

We hope to hear from you soon.


Sara Garvin

Co-founder, FLOAT Boston

About Sara

Sara is a co-founder of Float, and has been a licensed massage therapist since 2003. The problems of two people may not amount to a hill of beans in this world, but this is our hill, and these are our beans.