Tag Archives: athletics

Floating and High Performing Athletes

What do high level athletes know about floating that you don’t?

Here’s a sports trivia question for all our athletically-inclined readers:

What do the Dallas Cowboys, the Golden State Warriors, the Chicago Cubs, The Manchester United Football Club, and Michael Phelps all have in common?

You might see this lineup and think “well, the ‘92 Dallas Cowboys won the Superbowl that year; the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals in ‘14; the Cubs made history when they won the 2016 World Series; Manchester United is one of the most hono(u)red Football Clubs in the world; and Michael Phelps has won more gold medals than any other Olympian in history! They’re all winners!”

But that’s not all they have in common: they also all used float tanks.

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Floating and injury recovery

In 1994 a young Australian cyclist named Brett Dennis rode off a cliff in the US Tour DuPont road race, falling 12 feet and smashing his femur through his hip socket. Doctors gave him little chance of walking properly again. Back home in Australia two weeks later, with a steel pin through his broken pelvis, Dennis was understandably depressed and near to giving up his sporting ambitions.

But at the Australian Institute of Sport, Dennis was put onto a program of intensive physiotherapy. He also spent an hour a day playing “mind games” — closing his eyes and visualising a blue light traveling from his chest to his hip joint, washing away damaged tissue and replacing it with new cells.

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