Tag Archives: performance

Floating and High Performing Athletes

What do high level athletes know about floating that you don’t?

Here’s a sports trivia question for all our athletically-inclined readers:

What do the Dallas Cowboys, the Golden State Warriors, the Chicago Cubs, The Manchester United Football Club, and Michael Phelps all have in common?

You might see this lineup and think “well, the ‘92 Dallas Cowboys won the Superbowl that year; the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals in ‘14; the Cubs made history when they won the 2016 World Series; Manchester United is one of the most hono(u)red Football Clubs in the world; and Michael Phelps has won more gold medals than any other Olympian in history! They’re all winners!”

But that’s not all they have in common: they also all used float tanks.

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Athletic and artistic performance

2769099541_5aa9b7a81a_zMMA fighter Pat Healy has called floating his “secret weapon“.  “It’s hard to explain, but man, you really come out of there feeling relaxed. You can really focus your mind in there.”

Former Texas air pistol champion Brooks Brinson believes flotation helps him compete.  “It’s really a very mental game, the most mental in the Olympics.”

Hoop dancer Katelyn Selanders had burned out on her art.  But then she started floating and found a new wellspring of passion.  “I was fully reminded that this was why I had started hooping in the first place!”

We’ve already talked about the physiological benefits of flotation for injury recovery.  But when it comes to athletes and performers, there is more to it than that.  Flotation can induce a state of “relaxed alertness, concentration and reduced stress,” and sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered for bringing out your best.

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Floating and creativity

Peter Gabriel, the musical legend, says, “[My isolation tank] was quite useful, in the sense that you could get into a dream state, and I think that did allow…different thoughts and pictures to come through.

by Tia Davis
Float-inspired artwork by Tia Davis

Joe Rogan, the comic and MMA host, says, “The sensory deprivation chamber is the most important tool I’ve ever used for developing my mind, for thinking, for evolving.

Matt Stangel of the Portland Mercury reports that after floating, “I began to write creatively for the first time in months, but with an uninhibited ease that I haven’t experienced in almost five years. In short, I was astounded by the changes I saw in myself.

What’s going on here? Why does everyone seem to come out of the tank talking about peace, clarity, and cosmic oneness, or “colors — of cars, of buildings, of the sky — [being] more lush“, or achieving “profound, ecstatic nothingness“, or even “like a DJ had showed up to the party and started remix­ing my brain“? People seem convinced the tank increases their creativity, but does it really, or are they just tripping?

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